Talking With Taft QB Barah Abad Class Of 2023

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Deep Dish Football is the number #1 Respected Source in Illinois among College Coaches. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
Barah Abad Taft QB Class of 2023 6'1 182

Barah Abad how was your Spring Season? My season this year definitely was an improvement year for me. I felt like we as a team and myself got better in many ways. I ended my sophomore season a better player on and off the field. What does football mean to you? Football was always a huge part in life growing up. It’s taught me many things that I use in my everyday life and I can’t see myself without. But I’m using my football abilities to try to gain free or discounted college! What should college coaches know about you? As a young dual threat quarterback. My high school coach’s stress to me to always take what they give you. But I'm to get what they give and some! Ill take the shot if it’s there and if it doesn’t work out I act like it never happens. I love the game and love soaking in new things. I’ll always be the first to admit I can learn more and will never forget my teammates when it comes to praising me, football is a team sport and I can’t do what I do without the other 10 guys. What do you like about playing QB? I’ve always loved being a leader and when I started playing football in 3rd grade I knew what position I wanted to be. QB is a big job to handle but I love being the guy my team relies on. Quarterback as you know is the most important position on the field. You have to be the leader of the team no matter what’s going. The energy you bring is what the teams energy will be. I just love the job. How does Taft look for the upcoming season? We took a hard hit after our former head coach left unexpectedly. But i feel like our new head (Coach Elder) Is going to pick up where he left off and continue our dominance in the Public League. We are a young team and we know that we are contenders. We lack in some areas but the places we are strong in carry those spots for sure. We are on the rise. We’re a new era and we are gonna let everyone remember us. War Eagle! Future City Champs!
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting
But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football