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Talking With Sycamore Athlete Carter York Class Of 2025 - Name To Watch

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Carter York Sycamore WR/DB Class Of 2025 6'0 180

Carter York, how is your junior season going so far?

We’re happy with the season so far and track to compete for a conference title once again.

How does it feel to be undefeated?

Feels good to be undefeated again after a good test this last week against Kaneland. However, I don’t feel our team has reached its full potential yet.

What has been your favorite memory so far this season?

Beating Dekalb (our cross town rival) is always a highlight. More important though is building on team relationships and trust. We grow more from tough game than easy wins.

What does football mean to you?

Football is my family away from family. This particular sport allows me to relieve my stress by focusing all of my effort and thoughts on my team role. When I am dialed in on the field, I have no other care of what is happening off the field.

What should college coaches know about you?

Whether it be school or football, I give 100 percent effort at everything put in front of me. I enjoy being in a leadership role in my team. I feel that I have more to give after 4 years of high school football.

What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field?

Football IQ and fast decision-making skills. This allows me to figure out WHERE to be to make a play and to get there FAST.

Who is the funniest player on the team?

Diego Garcia (#8). He keeps the locker room light with his upbeat personality. We’ve played football and basketball together for many years now and he has a way of relaxing me with his humor.

What goals do you have for yourself this rest of the season?

First of all- I want our team to be playing the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. We’ve gotten so close but never made it to that game. I want to continue to produce on both sides of the ball, so we secure that Saturday morning game.

Who else on Sycamore should we be on the lookout for the rest of the season?

Burke Gautcher- he’s a beast. Both of my outside linebackers: Miles Galindo and Diego Garcia. Both having a great year. Tyler Curtis (TC): makes plays. Tristan Countryman: offensive and defensive force on the line.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football




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