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Talking With Libertyville Linebacker Boyd Hunt Class Of 2024

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Boyd Hunt Libertyville LB Class Of 2024 5'11 210

Boyd Hunt how was your junior season? It was great. I got to see the field a lot in a stacked ILB group and learned a lot about myself as a football player. The team went 4-3 in a tough conference and made it back to the playoffs. It was also one last chance to play with a bunch of seniors that I had grown up playing youth ball with over the years. What should college coaches know about you? College coaches should know that I am goal driven and that I take pride in holding myself accountable. I also am very fluid in pass coverage for a linebacker and am just a versatile player in general. This year my coaches have asked me to play both inside and outside linebacker as well as safety. I will also have a role on offense this year. What does football mean to you? It’s always meant a lot to me. It was my favorite sport growing up and continues to be. No other sport I’ve played requires the combination of teamwork, discipline, strategy, trust, and physicality that football does. I plan to coach one day to keep it a part of me.

What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? Probably my football IQ. During the season, I spend time throughout the week studying film and making sure I’m on top of the new install. Our youth program does a great job of teaching concepts and I’m able to break down tons of offensive plays I see on film into a couple of simple concepts. It makes it much easier to recognize and make a play on Fridays. What do you like about playing linebacker? I like the difficulty of the position and the versatility required. You’re always analyzing the picture in front of you, trying to go make a play. As soon as the ball is snapped you have to be able the analyze, trusting your keys, react with good technique, and then go try to make a play. During the play, you have to be athletic enough to keep up with guys that are usually smaller and faster than you, while also being able to take on or avoid guys bigger and stronger than you. It’s the ultimate challenge.

What goals do you have for yourself this upcoming season? Earning an all-conference honor is a goal I’ve been chasing all off-season. It’s the thing that has kept me going for the past 7 months. I also hope to be elected a captain and win a home playoff game.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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