Talking With Eureka Athlete John McDonald Class Of 2024 - Name You Must Know

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell
John McDonald Eureka LB/FB Class Of 2024 6'1 185

John McDonald how is your junior season going? Going well! I’ve had a great time playing with our team and especially our defense. I’ve felt steady improvement as we’ve gone on, but I still don’t think we’ve really shown what we can do yet and I definitely know I haven’t. I went down in our last regular season game against Dee Mack with a broken fibula, but I am hoping to make a comeback in the playoffs. Right now it’s just about trusting my guys and looking forward to what is to come.
How good can this Eureka squad be? We can be as good as we let ourselves be. We talk often about how we can beat anybody as long as we don’t beat ourselves. It’s really just about all of us doing our jobs and making sure all the little things are perfected. I think the potential of our team is much more than anyone thinks it is, we just need to go out and show everyone what we can really do. What should college coaches know about you? I would want coaches to know about how bad I want it. I love the big moments and everything that leads up to them. I want to do all that I can to help our team, and part of that is learning what I can do. I consider myself a student of the game, so I appreciate my coaches very much for all that they have done to help me get to where I am. Hard work has led myself and our team to where we are now, and I know that is the only way I will continue to grow. I believe my future is very bright, and I can’t wait to let everyone see that. I try to do the small things right, not only on the field but also off of it. I take pride in my morals and integrity and try to hold those around me to a high standard as well. I want to be the best version of myself, and I am very appreciative of everyone who has helped me along my way. What do you like about playing on defense? I love flying around and making plays. My position is special to me since I get to play on the edge a lot, but I can also play in coverage and in the box. Our defensive coordinator Coach Seim reminds us of every day what we have to do to win. 959. 9 hats on the ball within a 5-yard radius 90 percent of the time. When we’re all swarming to the ball and everybody’s playing fast doing their jobs, our defense is like a work of art. Overall I love everything about defense. Nothing compares to being able to read another teams offense and go shut them down every drive. The big hits, forced turnovers, consecutive 3 and outs, and shutouts are always a huge plus too.
What has been your favorite memory so far this season?
It’s hard to say one favorite moment, but I would say my favorite memory from the season would be on the practice field. A few weeks ago our coaches had us scrimmage our scout team (with it rigged in their favor of course) but we still pulled out a big win against them which is always fun just because it’s football with your buddies and it was competitive, especially with all the trash talk. Aside from that though, I would have to say the most memorable part of this season for me was our loss to Ridgeview. We’re told to have a short memory and move on to what’s next, but that game left a bitter taste in my mouth. I want that one back, and I know that game could be more than flipped if we got another shot.
Who is having a breakout season on Eureka?
I’m not sure I would call it a breakout season since it’s just what he does, but our defensive end Dakota Wiegand continues to impress me every game. I have also been very impressed with Cam Manning who hasn’t only been making more plays on offense, but he has stepped up and also been very impressive at defensive end this year. Overall, it is hard to name specific people who have had a breakout season since everyone’s gotten their share and it’s been such a team effort, but I like Cam and Kota to name a few.
What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? I would have to say my energy. I love feeding off the atmosphere and the game and just getting more amped to go out and perform. When things get tough my energy on the field keeps me going and I try to use it to lead those around me. Since we are a fast-paced team, I think energy is very important for us, so I take pride in my attitude and effort on the field. I think it is important that our spirits are high, and we play at 110% all the time, and I believe it makes me a better player whole-heartedly.
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