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Meet Glenbard West Athlete Joey Pope Class Of 2023 - Name To Watch

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Deep Dish Football is the number #1 Respected Source in Illinois among College Coaches. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Joey Pope Glenbard West Athlete Class of 2023 6'0 165

Joey Pope how was your Spring Season? It was very good, It was a big jump from freshman to varsity football, but I feel like I was able to adjust well. It was a great learning experience and I got a lot out of the season even though it was shortened due to covid. What does football mean to you? Football means everything to me and playing division one has been my dream since I was a little kid. I was taught by my dad that the most important things in life are god, family, health, grades, and football. I’m very excited for Saturday mornings on Duchon field with my teammates, and continuing Glenbard West’s success as a powerhouse program. What should college coaches know about you? College coaches should know that I’m a very hard worker, a leader on and off the field, and a multi sport athlete (track and rugby). Coaches should also know that I work just as hard in the classroom as I do in the weight room and on the field. The last thing I want colleges to know is that I’m a very coachable player, I follow directions well and I don’t make the same mistake twice. What do you feel is your strongest trait on the football field? As a running back and slot receiver I feel my strongest trait is the ability to make the first tackler miss. I’m very elusive and I rarely get taken down by first contact. As a safety and DB, I think my strongest trait is my ability to make a play on the ball when it’s in the air, and the quick cuts I’m able to make in and out of my breaks. Also my speed has been a big part of my game since little league, and recently I’ve been running in the high 4.4’s and low 4.5’s for my 40 yard dash. What part of your game have you been working on in the offseason? This off-season I focused on my strength and putting on more weight. I was a little light last season but I was able to gain about 10 pounds while still maintaining my speed. I’ve been able push a lot more weight in the weight room, and I feel good and ready for my junior season.

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