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Introducing Plainfield South 6'3 OL Donte Green Class Of 2025 - Recruit That You Must Know

So, in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know, but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. This is one of the many reasons why Deep Dish Football is respected in the IHSA. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Donte Green Plainfield South OL Class Of 2025 6'3 260

Donte Green how was your sophomore season? It was good. It was my first full season, due to an injury during my freshman season. I definitely improved from my freshman season as a player and as a person. I have a lot of room to improve, but overall, I would say it was a good season. We ended 4-5. Just short of a winning record. We all as a team have more work to put in, and we will hopefully come back better and stronger next season. Also, I was voted by my teammates and coaches to win the Offensive Lineman of the Year Award! My coaches, teammates and I are all proud about how far l've come and how much room I have to grow.

What does football mean to you? Football is everything to me. I dreamt of playing football ever since a little kid. In my youth football days, I only played 1 season on AAU football in fourth grade. I remember my coach saying that I was a really fast learner and I was very coachable, (That statement still stands true today). I immediately fell in love with the game, but I didn’t play football again until my freshman year. I am constantly pushing myself not only in the weight room and on the field, but also in the classroom. Being a straight A student in the top 3% of my class is hard to maintain while still being a multi-sport student athlete. It comes with late nights, early mornings, and you have to sacrifice a lot in order to achieve those dreams, which I am willing to do so. What should college coaches know about you? First, I think college coaches should know that I am a Sophomore, 6'3, 260lbs, I bench 225lbs, Squat 405lbs, and clean 195lbs. I am in the weight room every day constantly getting stronger and better. I also want college coaches to know that I am a great student with a 5.6 gpa, along with being a great athlete as well. I am very humble and I am always up for learning new tips and skills. I am very coachable and I pay attention every little detail. I am constantly pushing myself to be better than I was yesterday, and I am very motivated. I also get along with teammates and other peers very well. Also, It’s my dream to play college football, and eventually into the NFL, so my life is pretty much revolves around football and sports.

What do you like about playing in the trenches? I love the trenches. I love the fact that we are the wall that protects our quarterback and running back. I also love how nasty the trenches get with all the hitting. Literally getting to ram into people every single play is very fun and exciting. Especially when they can't get past you and you can see and hear them getting frustrated. Makes you feel like a king. Also, Playing in the trenches has its downfalls too. We don't get appreciated enough by our teammates and just in general. Everyone's worried about the Quarterback, Running back, Receivers, and the defense. I feel that the O-Line is commonly left out in discussions. When in actuality, if we do bad, then everyone else cant perform how they perform. Lastly, I love the brotherhood that comes out of the trenches and just in football in general. Those are our brothers, and we would do anything for them. We all have each-others backs, Lifting others up when they need it, and and giving constructive criticism in times when they aren't performing how we know they can perform. Being around everyone just brings you up and motivates you to work harder and do better. What goals do you have for yourself this season? My goals this upcoming season: Starting O tackle on varsity and see overall improvement in my strength, speed and skill set. Last season, I was weaker than I am today, and I'm only getting stronger because I am working out every day. I'm getting faster with my kickstep, running, and I am also learning how to better use my hip strength so I can use my full strength and potential. Another goal I have is that I want to get the attention of college coaches. I really want to get my name out there and show the college coaches why they should recruit me. Lastly, I want to have a great Junior season with a winning record, and most importantly build a tighter bond with my football brothers and coaches.

What game are you most excited for this upcoming season? The game I am most excited for is Plainfield North. We always have a great game with them. It is a constant grind every single play. Right now we are 1-1 with them. We lost freshman season, then came back and won in a very tough battle against them sophomore season. The score was 3-6. It was a tough, tough battle. I’m looking forward to playing these during these next two varsity seasons, when it matters the most.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting

But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football




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