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Meet Buffalo Grove WR/ATH Ayden Anderson Class Of 2021- Name You Need To Know

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Ayden Anderson Class of 2021 WR/ATH Buffalo Grove 6'3 190

Ayden Anderson how was your 2019 season?

As a team, our season didn’t go as well as we had hoped, but we were able to learn a lot. We had a very young team at Buffalo Grove, so we were able to gather up a lot of experience for next year. Personally, I was proud of the way I played this season. I was able to go out onto the field and come pete each and every game. I had many goals that I had set prior to the season, that I was able to complete.

What do you feel is your strongest trait on the field?

I am very vocal on the field. Whether it’s calling out plays at safety, communicating with younger players, or even pumping my teammates up. Football is a game of inches, and I put everything out on the line, and I push for my teammates to do the same. Some players just need to hear someone in their ear to get them going, and I think I do a great job of doing so.

What should college coaches know about you?

College coaches should know how hard of a worker I am on and off the field. I’m constantly pushing myself to the best of my abilities. I workout with EFT multiple times a week to reach my full potential. I’m constantly asking questions to coaches during practices, and i’m constantly in the weight room. I’m always going full speed so i’m prepared during game time.

What does football mean to you?

Football runs through generations of my family. I want to follow my family footsteps. Football has taught me so much. How to handle adversity, how to create bonds with my teammates, and perseverance. Without football, I wouldn’t be who I am today.

What are your winter/spring plans?

I’m training every day, and working on getting my name out there. I’m on the EFT 7v7 team so I will be traveling for tournaments around the United States to compete with the best of the best. I’m working on my speed and strength, as well as route running as a Wide Receiver. I’m also going to be visiting colleges and doing showcases and camps for different colleges to get my name to coaches.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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