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Chatting With Marist's RB Amari Watkins Class Of 2020

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams. Every Football Player Has A Story To Tell

Amari Watkins Class of 2020 Marist RB 5'9 175

Amari Watkins how has your summer been?

Deep Dish.. my summer has been very eventful. August 31st is slowly approaching and we are ready for all the competition. A few weeks ago I was blessed to go to Rome Italy with my church. The day I returned from Italy, I have received some devastating news that my grandma (Eleanor Collins) was in the hospital. My family and I prayed that she would push through but God has called her to come home on July 24th. I dedicate this season to my grandma because she has played a big part of my life.

What excites you the most about this upcoming season?

What excites me the most this upcoming season is the competition we will be facing. Since this year the private and catholic leagues are combined, there will be a lot of talent on both sides of the ball. Another thing that excites me for this season is the talent i will be bringing against our opponents.

What game are most excited about for this upcoming season?

The game that I will be most excited for this upcoming season is against Nazareth because of the talent that they have. Also I will be excited to play our rivalry school, Brother Rice.

What should college coaches know about you?

College coaches should know that I have good football IQ and I am smart on and off the football field. Also coaches should know that they can put me in any position to make me better and also the team.

What goal do you have for yourself this season?

My goal is to run the ball hard, take me and my team to state, talk to more colleges, and be blessed with offers from many schools.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football



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