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Meet St. Laurence's Offensive Lineman Myron Lewis Class Of 2020

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for lllinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Myron Lewis St.Laurence Class of 2020 OL/DL 6'0 200

Myron Lewis how was your 2018 season?

The 2018 season didn’t go as planned we finished the season 4-7 with games in the prep bowl. We lost some very close games this year but we fought very hard. Unfortunately I was sideline 5 weeks because of an injury. Being out that long I turned them moments into being a coach/student athlete of the game and helping my teammates through the games I missed. But for the games I did get to participate in my overall performance was good because their is always room for improvement.

What does St. Laurence football mean to you?

St. Laurence Football means Legendary! With being the first Catholic High School in the CCL to win a State championship means a lot. It’s always an amazing opportunity to be able to put on the Black and Gold colors to continue the legacy the Vikings before us lad the foundation for. There is no better football or greater program that care truly about an individual long term success and shaping you to become a man.

What should college coaches know about you?

College Coaches should know I am going to put work my opportunity at every opportunity I get. I love to be challenged on the field and in the classroom. The weight room is my Home I am always looking to get stronger and get faster and improve my technique on the D-Line and the O-line. I don’t let my height turn me away from being the most dominant player on the field at all times. I am truly a hard worker and a leader to the young men on the team.

What have you been working on in the offseason to improve your game?

This offseason I have been working a lot of things. On the defensive line side of the ball I’m working more on my hand fighting and improving speed off the ball. On the Offensive Line side I’m working f eet work and being able to maintain the line of scrimmage with great striking and Hand placements.

How does this St. Laurence team look for the 2019 season?

The team looks great all the guys have been putting in outstanding offseason work in the weight room and we all have high expectations for this upcoming season and everyone has fully bought in to the process and the program.

What motivates a Myron Lewis?

Honestly, Opportunity to show my skills and open eyes on myself as well as my teammates I’m a team player type of guy. Also the ability to prove so many people wrong and the drive to get better at the sport I have loved for a long time now. Everyday I wake up is a day closer to get better at the sport I love and closer to achieve my dream goals and team ones a well.

Who are some young St. Laurence players I should be on the lookout for?

Nate Thomas RB Aaron Wofford DB Damaurius Stewart OL Darius Wilson QB Lewis Bond WR

All Class Of 2021

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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