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Senior ATH Alex Cameron Talks Morris Football & Advice For Incoming Players

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Alex Cameron ATH Morris Class of 2019

Alex Cameron how was your season?

As a team it was a down year, but I, myself, had an okay season. I believe that I could’ve done better or shined in certain points that would’ve given my team the advantage

What was your favorite memory this season?

My favorite memory of the season has to be taking everything in knowing that it was my last season as a redskin. It was a great time playing with the same kids that i grew up playing with and taking it all the way through my senior season.

What does Morris football mean to you?

Morris football will be a part of me forever. “Redskin Pride never dies” is a saying that is no joke in morris and I take pride in being part of this amazing tradition.

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I would like college coaches to know that I am very hardworking and I have a strong knowledge of the game and I feel like I would make a great impact anywhere I went, but most importantly, I get it done in the classroom and take pride in my grades.

What schools have you talked to?

It’s kinda allover the board, Coach Thorson is good at getting coaches in to talk with us guys so i’ve talked to a lot of D3 schools that are interested in me and I have also talked to Valpo a little bit and St. Xavier.

Who are some young Morris players I should be keeping an eye out for next season?

The 2020 guys have a good team, I would keep a close eye on Zach Reddinger, Brandon Phelps, Cole Laurie, and Nolan Swartz. Those are some skill guys, but a few guys on the line would be Braden Engleman and Robbie Bates. They all got sometime under the lights this year and got an understanding of what varsity football is.

What advice do you have for incoming Morris player in coming seasons?

Enjoy every moment of being a redskin because it flies by and you truly don’t understand that it’s over until it’s over. There is one goal when you are wearing that redskins jersey and that is to be a champion. Just work hard and don’t take anything for granted.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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