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Deep Dish Football Playoff Game Of The Week Player Spotlight Part 2: Batavia's Nicolas Fell Clas

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Nicolas Fell Batavia Class of 2019 DT 5'11 260

Nicolas Fell how has your season been?

My season has been excellent Coach Pete what would you like to know about it?

Favorite memory so far?

My favorite memory this season was winning yesterdays game against Willowbrook in overtime and on the last play of the game watching all my teammates run onto the field cheering for “one more week”

What do you think is common misconception about Batavia football?

That we are a smaller program and people underestimate us even being so highly ranked in 7A in the state of Illinois. We also have many good players on our team like Luke Weerts and Michael Jansey which helps our team as a whole work together and play at a higher intensity

What is one thing to you that makes Bulldog football special to you?

One thing that makes bulldog football special to me is that we have been playing with the same guys since we were little and we have such a tight bond with each other that it’s hard to beat us and I just enjoy spending time with each and every one of my teammates. I love them all

Who is the funniest coach on the Batavia staff?

Billy Calamateo definitely

What do you like about playing on the defensive line?

I like that I can be aggressive and hit people as much as I can. I love being able to make plays and help out my team.

Favorite pregame meal?

Mini bagels, fruit snacks, and Gatorade

Biggest problem you see with this Nazareth offensive line?

They are big, aggressive, and quick but nothing like we haven’t seen before this year


Why are you jealous of Max McFadden?

(LOL EMOJI) I am not jealous of Max McFadden I actually looked up to him as a starter last year and studied what he did and asked him questions all the time to become the best play I can. I just don’t like being compared to him because I am a different player and last year was his year and this year is my year.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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