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Deep Dish Football Playoff Game Of The Week Player Spotlight Part 2: Nazareth's Ryan Keeler Clas

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Ryan Keeler Class of 2021 DL/ATH 6'4 230 Nazareth

Ryan Keeler how has your season been so far?

My season is going great so far it has been a very successful season for the team. I have learned so much from all of the older guys on varsity, as most of them have been on varsity for 3 years. Although I don’t have a starting role on the team I still try and help out with whatever I can.

What had been one of your favorite memories this season?

My favorite memory from this season was our most recent game against Simeon. The fans and the energy in the stadium was awesome. It was a close game from start to finish, everyone was super focused and engaged on game. We played the game with heart and for each other not ourselves.

What do you see in this Batavia team?

Batavia is a great team, they have great players and are very strong in all 3 phases of the game. They are very well coached team.

In what way did you think that you grew this season?

I think that I became a overall more mature player. I have become a much more aggressive player on defense by going against guys like Elijah Moscinski and my brother Matt Keeler. On offense line I have become a much better blocker because I have to block guys like Cam Leach, Louie Stec And Nate Lugo. These guys have helped me so much with my game.

What is one thing in the offseason that you need work on?

The biggest thing I need this to work on this offseason getting stronger and faster so I can have the best season possible.

What does football mean to you?

Football means so much to me, it has taught me so many lessons that I could only learn from playing football. Everyone can relate to football that is why it’s such an awesome sport. Football forms bonds that will never be broken. The football team is like a second family for me and many others. Football is something that I never want to end.

Who wins 1on1 you or your brother?

Hahaha, I would have to say me. He won’t agree with that though.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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