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Talking With Class Of 2019 Geneva's Frank Martin 6'4 OL About The Line & Recruiting

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Frank Martin Class of 2019 OL 6'4 305 Geneva

Frank Martin how was your season for you?

My season was a reflection of the goals I set out to complete. I wanted to prove that I am a player that can be successful at the next level. My team may not have done well in terms of record, but I feel that I personally I had my best season yet.

What schools have you been talking to?

As of today, I have unofficially visited and talked to Missouri S and T, Benedictine, University of Chicago, Southwest Minnesota State, Augustana, Carthage, and the University of Illinois. I am going on an unofficial visit to Notre Dame this weekend as well.

What is your favorite part about playing offensive line?

Offensive line is an outlet for me as a young man. The fact that I know who I am imposing my will upon every play has always been a rush for me. I love the contact, and have always desired it since I was little. I also love the strategic aspect to the offensive line. The chess match of figuring out “on the fly” the stunt that is coming or what angle to take to block a defender appeals to me.

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I would want college coaches to know that I am a high achieving student-athlete (3.91 unweighted gpa) who loves all aspects of football. From the training to film studying practice to games. I am highly competitive and want to succeed in athletics and academics. I want to continue to play football in college and study engineering.

What was your favorite memory this season?

My greatest memory of the year was the Wheaton North game. It was our first win in the season after staring 0-6. I played the whole game on both sides of the ball, and I made numerous plays that determined the outcome of the game. I had a key block on our go ahead touchdown run, and I made two major tackles on quarterback sneaks down the stretch. It was an amazing win against a outstanding program.

What do you think about the DuKane Conference?

I think that the DuKane Conference is one of the premier conferences in the state. Right now there are three teams in the 7A quarterfinals. The atmosphere was like a playoff game each week. Every game was violent with each school having not only first class football programs but also great student sections, marching bands, and facilities. It was a great experience as a student athlete to play in such a competitive environment.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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