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Talking With Minnesota Commit Peoria Notre Dame's Punter Tom Foley Class Of 2019

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Tom Foley Punter Notre Dame (Peoria) Class of 2019

Tom Foley why did you commit to Minnesota?

I committed to Minnesota because it was everything that I wanted academically and athletically. Minnesota has one of the top business schools in the country and has a fantastic football program to go along with it. I always wanted to play in the Big Ten and be able to play somewhere where my family can watch me. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of coaches with P.J Fleck, Coach Wenger, and Coach Priefer. Also having the #1 ranked long snapper in the country for the class of 2019 commit there is also very comforting.

Do you feel happy now that you committed?

Yes, it is super comforting knowing where is will be playing college football this early in the recruiting process. I can finally focus on my body and preparing for college football instead of attending camps and all the recruiting that goes along with it. Right now I’m doing hot yoga, pilates, and I’m working with Eric Crowhurst of 360 Speed and Performance to get my body right for the next level. I also train with Chris Nendick every week in Chicago to work on my punting. Chris has taught me everything I know about punting and has made me the punter that I am today.

What does special teams mean to you?

It means a lot to me. A lot of people don’t give specialists the credit that they deserve, yet without specialists, the game of football couldn’t be played. Special teams is a much bigger part of the game then what a lot of people think.

Worst weather game you played in?

Oh boy! It would likely have to be the playoff game last year vs MacArthur. It was 10 degrees outside and I couldn’t even feel my feet. It felt like I was kicking a 5 pound rock when I would punt.

So how does Peoria Notre Dame look this season?

We are looking really good this year! We have a new coach with Coach Armstrong leading the way! We have a very fast line which is led by brent Harris, Connor Miles, Jacob Peters, Chris Dillion, and Connor Jacob. We also have really fundamentally sound DB’s and Linebackers with Leo Mushinsky and Jacob Rashid. We might have the best running back duo in the Big 12 conference with Logan Cover and Giorgio Girvetti. And we also have one of the best leaders in the conference at QB with Noah O’ Neil!

This is your senior season...What does that mean to you?

It means everything to me! It’s the last time that I’ll be able to strap up the pads with my brothers before heading off to Minnesota. I’m very blessed to be able to play on saturdays in college but nothing will be like those Friday night lights!

What was your best punt?

The best punt that I’ve ever had in my life was 5.1 hang 65 yards without bounce.

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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