Meet Glenbard North Cordell Smiley Class Of 2020 ATH

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams
Cordell Smiley Class of 2020 ATH Glenbard North 5'10 165
Cordell Smiley what schools have you been talking to?
Currently none
What would you like college coaches to know about you?
I would like for coaches to know that I am a dedicated hard worker. First thing is first and that’s the classroom. Got to get the work done in the classroom before your able to compete on the field. I try my best to show leadership not only on the field but in the classroom.
How was wrestling this season for you? Wrestling season didn’t go aswell as I hoped it would. Wrestled my first year freshman year and did pretty well with a 14-6 record. Sophomore year I got injured early season with tearing most of my Rotator Cuff muscles. I kept trying to wrestle with it which wasn’t so bright and just kept making is worse and worse. I Had to stop wrestling mid season due to my injury. I’m planning on coming back this year better than before and stand above the rest.
What does Glenbard North football mean to you? Glenbard North Football means brotherhood! We all stand with each other and are ready to go to battle for the ones next to us. Got great talent at Glenbard North which brings out the competition in each and one another. I put my trust in the ones next to me as I know they’ll do the same back. Got nothing but love for my brothers on that field with me
What motivates a Cordell Smiley? What motivates me are people who look up to me. I try and show my best role as athlete but not only that but as a student, friend, brother etc. Competition motivates me! Dedication motivates me! And the enthusiasm of playing the game I love. Getting better and overcoming obstacles motivates me.
How does Glenbard North look this Season?
I feel like we’re coming together as a team and we will have a successful season. By successful season I mean being DuKane's 1st Conference Champs and even 2018 Class 7a State Champs. I’ve myself put in a lot of offseason work and so has the others on the team. We got to remain humble and be ready for every team this season. Coming into DuKane conference as one of the hardest conferences in Illinois we got to have the Motivation and Will to win each and every game and I feel as if we will. Every team in DuKane is stacked with great players so it’s going to definitely be the conference to watch. For now though we got to worry about each week as it comes, Neuqua being the 1st. We got to set the pace for this season and come out strong and ready for Neuqua. It’s time to show what #NorthWayOrNoWay is all about
Give me a Glenbard North player that coaches need to take a look at? A player I feel that a player from Glenbard North that Coaches should look at is definitely Mayo Leon. He’s a great QB and can definitely throw it far. It’s been times when me and him would go on the field in 35 degree weather snow and we’ll still put in the work. As his 2nd year playing QB I’ve seen very much improvement! That’s a player with a lot of heart, Dedication, Will, Motivation and Drive to get better.
Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA