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Sacred Heart Griffin's Charlie Hamilton Class Of 2019 WR 6'2 Talks SHG Football & Recrui

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams

Charlie Hamilton Class of 2019 SHG WR 6'2 190


Charlie Hamilton is one of the better WRs in Illinois that can be use in multiple ways. Jack of all trades WR that can be utilized by a College OC who uses multi sets.

What schools have you been talking to?

I have had contact with Lindenwood, Ball State, Columbia, Western Michigan, Western Illinois, Northern Illinois, Drake, Northwest Missouri State, and Wisconsin-Whitewater. Camps and 7 on 7’s over the next 30 days are important for me as well as the upcoming season – I plan to work hard and show coaches what I can do for their team.

Favorite memory from last season?

I have two favorite memories from last season. The first was when they dedicated our home field to Coach Leonard. It was a really special night for Coach and his wife Liz. Coach Leonard was well-deserving of the field being named after him for what he (as well as his wife, Liz) have done for the SHG community and the city of Springfield. The second memory was playing in an extremely muddy playoff game against Marmion Academy. I had a blast playing in the mud with my teammates in addition to winning the game.

Favorite route you like to run?

I love running any type of deep route. I love making the big play and showing off my ability to run, jump, and catch all in one play.

What do you want college coaches to know about you?

I want colleges to know that I am willing and able to put in the work to keep improving on and off the field. When basketball ended last spring, my football coaches told me to gain weight to be ready for football this fall. I did the work and gained 20 pounds so far. My goal is 10 more pounds by the time the season starts. I worked hard in the classroom too and was selected Academic All State.

Who is the best DB you ever faced?

The best DB I faced was someone I faced a lot! My former teammate Spencer Redd was tough on me during 1 on 1s in practice all the time. We had fun and it made us both better players.

Give me one Sacred Heart Griffin Player that coaches might not know but need to know?

We have a lot of talent on both sides of the ball so it’s hard to talk about just one other player. Everyone knows about Grant Edwards, Matt Brenneisen, and of course Nick Broeker. Other guys you need to know about and I think you will soon are players like our QB Sam Sweetland his brother Alex and many others - Capecci, Deaner, Fahey, Kraft, Milbrandt, and Hine. The list goes on!

How do you feel playing basketball has helped your skill set in football?

Basketball keeps me in shape and works different muscles and is constant motion which helps with quick decision making that’s needed in football. The jump training in basketball is also exactly what’s needed for my position in football too - it helped increase my vertical another 3”.

What goal do you have for yourself this season?

There are about 15 seniors including myself that have been playing football together for more than 10 years. Our goal is to come together one final time as a team this season and get to that 14th game and win it all!

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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