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Meet 6'4 Hillsboro Tight End Jordan Gregg Class Of 2019

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams.

Jordan Gregg Hillsboro Class of 2019 TE/DE/ATH 6'4 225


Hillsboro Jordan Gregg to me at first is an athlete with great size. Still raw but I see him at tight end, ability to get the ball were most DBs cant get it. Some of the best hands in the state of Illinois, and great concentration on the ball.

Jordan Gregg what schools have you been talking to?

I have talked to some naia schools in Illinois and close such as Lindenwood Belleville, culver Stockton, Trinity International, I have talked to Monmouth, IC, MacMurray, and Greenville , and I have also been talking to Cornell, Columbia, Ball State, Southern Illinois university Carbondale, and College of the Holy Cross

What position do you feel most comfortable playing?

I feel most comfortable at tight end

How do you feel basketball has helped you playing tight end?

I feel that basketball has helped me as a tight end mainly with my coordination, and footwork, because I’m more of a defensive basketball player

What does football mean to you?

Sports in general is a lifestyle to me, but football is just the one that has always had my attention, I grew up watching football, going to high school games just waiting to be like the other kids out there, just the game of football to me is definitely one of the most important things to play a role in my life

So what is it like to play Hillsboro football?

Hillsboro football is a great thing, we are a small enough town I’ve known our varsity coach since my 6th grade year, he coached our 8th grade jfl team, so we are a close team, I could name everyone of our players, and I talked to theee of our coaches on a regular basis, but Hillsboro football has always been a smash mouth run the ball team, and with me and one of our other receivers, we changed our game to around a 60/40 run to pass team, we had our first 1000 yd pass team since 81 I think, it is kind of cool to think that I was involved in changing our game

Favorite memory from last season?

My favorite memory from last year was a block against piasa southwestern, when I had hands in on one kid, and was blocking him out in front of the run, then pushed him into another who went down, then the kid I had hands on fell over that kid

Funniest guy on the team?

Kaden Lemon

What would you like college coaches to know about you?

I would say that I would want them to know that I am a dedicated team player, who works hard on the field and in the classroom and have a good GPA, SAT, and ACT.

Game that you are looking most forward to this season and why?

Carlinville, it is our week 1 game, they have a bunch of really good athletes to match up with and try and prove myself, and everyone expects up to loose really bad, and I love proving people wrong and being an underdog

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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