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Guilford's Zion Pryor DB Class Of 2019 Talks Viking Football & Rockford Area Football

So in a way to better understand the use of Deep Dish Football for Illinois recruits and the whole entire IHSA Football scene. Decided to do player profiles of players who you might not know or you might know , but you should respect them for their roles on their respective teams.

Zion Pryor Class of 2019 Guilford Defensive Back


Zion Pryor has all the measurables for playing defensive back at the college level. Great hip work, and makes big plays look easy along with his ability to read QBs. Key part will be this summer and early fall to see the progressions of Pryor.

Zion Pryor what does Rockford Area football mean to you?

Well first off I think that Rockford is over looked a little too much. Rockford has too many talented football players. I have many friends in Rockford and see them succeeding in their 7v7 teams and in the NIC10 and Big Northern. So it means a lot. It means a lot to me to play the game, and it means a lot to me when I see Rockford natives make it places and I want to be one of those people

What should college coaches know about you?

They should know that I will do anything it takes to make the starting role. I am a hard worker, and an extremely big competitor. All I do is compete. I compete in the classroom, the weight room, and on the field.

Favorite memory from last season?

Geez I have a lot of those... I’d say when I got 21 tackles and beat Boylan in overtime

What motivates a Zion Pryor?

My family. I’m the oldest of 8, but my parents are the real motivation. My mom struggled raising a little bit because I was a handful. She was a single parent raising 3 kids by herself most of the time. She recently graduated college from Rockford University and received her nursing degree. My dad really wasn’t successful growing up, he didn’t really have someone to push him. So he was in and out of jail growing up. But he taught me that Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. I live by that now. That’s my motto.

What do you like about playing defensive back?

There’s a lot of things. DB is the best position to play when it comes to football. Personally I like when the wide out is running that crossing route and when he catches that ball and turns up field, I’m there to lay him out. I LOVE contact and sometimes it makes me mad when I don’t get the contact that I want. But after that it’s goin to get that INT

Game this season you are looking most forward to?

I don’t think I have one to be honest. But I would like to play against my close friend Demarian. But I’d say Hono. I really want to play them because I didn’t get the opportunity to play them last year

Who is one player on Guliford that college coaches should take a look at that might not have?

Dontai Patrick or Amir Singletary but I think Tareiq Blake Washington is one of the most slept on players in Rockford

Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting But About The Love Of The Game Of Football In The IHSA



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